Hello from our CEO • Summer 2023

The last quarter of this year marked a blend of uplifting milestones for Sefa and Sefa Partnerships, alongside challenging times in our Australian community and beyond. Despite the Referendum's outcome, our commitment to deep listening, learning, and reconciliation remains steadfast, guided by the First Nations wisdom within our Board. We're thrilled to welcome Councillor Leeanne Hampton and Heidy Hardy as new Non-Executive Directors, reflecting our proud transition to majority ownership by the NSW Aboriginal Land Council.


As Sefa turned 10 during the pandemic, we decided to celebrate in style with a joint 20th birthday bash, alongside Sefa Partnerships' 8th anniversary and our 12 years of making a difference. The evening buzzed with joyful conversations, reminiscing with investors, partners, and clients about our shared journey. It coincided with us proudly congratulating the graduating social enterprises of the first Paul Ramsay Foundation Growth Incubator for their incredible progress.

At Sefa, we're not just about connecting a sector; we're about nurturing lasting impacts through head, heart, and partnerships. Revisiting clients like 42 Adelaide, Macquarie Home Stay, and Macquarie Group Foundation, who we've connected with in the past, showcases this beautifully. It's a joy to see how their journeys have evolved, highlighting the enduring power of our collaborative efforts. Their stories, woven from shared experiences and mutual growth, are a testament to the profound connections and transformations achieved beyond our initial engagement.

In the latest feature of our ongoing 'Behind the Impact' series, we shine a light on our dedicated team members who power our mission. This time, we're delighted to spotlight Manfred Bauer, our Head of Portfolio Management. His journey and contributions at Sefa and Sefa Partnerships provide an inspiring glimpse into the passion and commitment that fuels our daily efforts.


Wrapping up 2023, our Annual Report encapsulates how we invest in impact. As we look forward to a new year with a bright horizon, we're excited about the bold steps we'll take together. We're eager to collaborate and make strides with many of you in the times ahead.


Wishing you all the best for the Christmas season,


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